July 23, 2021

Hotspotting Informs the Allocation of Healthcare Resources, Services

Anticipating disease prevalence and demand for services within a healthcare system's footprint allows accurate forecasts and implications for facilities.


Population health has changed ambulatory investment. While in the past healthcare systems looked for opportunities to expand market share and referral patterns to young insured populations, they now are challenged with improving the health of the highest users.

Many high utilizers are polychronic and dual-eligible and have significant challenges regarding transportation and mobility. Today, investment is less about finding locations with fewer competitors and more about placing the appropriate services and caregivers where patients need them.

Haskell has developed numerous tools to assess disease prevalence. Hotspotting allows for the identification of health trends in a community to guide investment in ambulatory services. Anticipating disease prevalence and demand for services within a healthcare system's footprint allows accurate forecasts and implications for facilities.

Through demographic analysis, Haskell’s tools help clients allocate resources to the locations where they can be best used. By correlating multiple population variables for each market, our teams can determine the community that has the greatest need and offers the highest revenue potential for a particular asset or service.

Disease Prevalence by Community

Because different communities have different patient profiles, such as variations in geriatric growth levels or chronic disease prevalence, a bubble graph helps decision-makers visualize each population’s healthcare needs and revenue potential to prioritize investments.

Bubble colors represent individual service areas. A small-sized bubble indicates that the market is a prime opportunity for the selected service or asset. The higher along the Y-axis the bubble is located, the higher the disease prevalence.  The further to the right the bubble is located along the X-axis, the greater the population growth or volume. 

Providers choose optimal locations by identifying the smallest bubbles towards the upper right corner of the graph, which represents communities with the highest potential use rate and the largest volume. The different types of chronic illnesses indicate different service and programmatic needs.

System Service Need Opportunities

This tool assists in evaluating whether data support the addition or expansion of specific service lines within a designated geographic region. Identifying service gaps in the competitive marketplace reveals opportunities by comparing the current quantity and use of services to the quantity that can be supported in the future. 

Haskell develops detailed market utilization analyses for defined ambulatory components while analyzing service locations and competitors within a specified service area. The resulting facilities blueprint recommends site location targets and facility programs generated from anticipated ambulatory volumes.

Haskell is committed to validating programmatic and strategic recommendations with demographic and utilization data. If you’re ready to accurately align your services and investment with patient populations and needs, contact Haskell Healthcare.

Haskell delivers $2± billion annually in Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) and Consulting solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. Haskell is a global, fully integrated, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,400 highly specialized, in-house design, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. With 25+ office locations around the globe, Haskell is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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