Miami Dade College Hialeah Campus Garage

Hialeah, Florida

Deadlines are the difference between a ribbon-cutting and a budget crisis.

To add parking to its Hialeah Campus, Miami Dade College turned to Haskell for the design-build of a parking garage with ground floor occupied space, two surface lots and a central energy plant. With expiring temporary parking leases looming, the project faced an aggressive completion date that was quickly in jeopardy by scope changes during design development.

Haskell’s ability to value engineer saves the bottom line.

The garage design was coordinated with the construction of another building designed by another firm so Haskell closely managed the design schedule to provide parallel concepts. During schematics, the parking program increased from 900 to 1,050 spaces requiring another entire parking level that was incorporated into the next design deliverable to keep the project on schedule. Later, when an alternative pre-cast vendor had to be utilized, Haskell presented value-engineering solutions that offset the overage.

Communication and coordination powered a strong finish.

Haskell achieved an additional $200,000 in savings through value engineering — money that the college reinvested into project upgrades prior to completion. The aggressive deliverable dates on parking and utilities were achieved without disruption to student activities and helped the school avoid significant penalties.

  • Garage design was developed to complement features of the new buildings on campus
  • Scope included a new parking garage, two new surface parking lots and a Central Energy Plant
  • Garage totaled 377,000 SF, including 1,050 parking spaces and 12,000 SF occupied space
  • Associated Builders and Contractors, Florida First Coast Chapter, Excellence in Construction Award
Vice President, Segment Market Leader, Planning & Development

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...This project was complex consisting of both an aggressive schedule and occurring concurrent to other campus construction on a fully active campus. The level of communication, attention to client needs and coordination provided by the Haskell Team exceeded expectations, providing an uninterrupted construction schedule, no disruption to student activity and successful completion of this complex project."

Neyda S. Otero
Architect, Facilities Management, Miami Dade College
Photo from inside the central energy plant. Aqua colored generator.

...This project was complex consisting of both an aggressive schedule and occurring concurrent to other campus construction on a fully active campus. The level of communication, attention to client needs and coordination provided by the Haskell Team exceeded expectations, providing an uninterrupted construction schedule, no disruption to student activity and successful completion of this complex project."

Neyda S. Otero
Architect, Facilities Management, Miami Dade College
Looking through window from inside parking garage. Number 5 wayfinding sign in view.

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